I introduced myself at a 5 day wilderness first aid training session, I recall feeling a bit surrendered upon arrival as the weekend prior I had spent in the hospital after an urgent unfolding with a close family member. The instructor had prefaced the intro’s by stating that “I’ve never had a boring student…” It seemed an accurate claim as the intro’s went on and each student had impressive stories of travel and outdoor adventure and accolades to follow. Round robin came to me. I started with my name. I followed with “I perhaps might be your first boring student, I mean, I don’t like – uh – go outside.” Folks laughed. The room relaxed. We became equal. The egos were stowed and asked to stand down. It flashed me back to a childhood memory, I recalled being this silly kid who disarmed people and created instant equality just by speaking the unspoken. The moment coupled with the recall made me feel connected – once again – to me, my purest and unfiltered version.
Mindfulness is the breath out to my every breath in. The breath in is the doing, the breath out is the reflection. My work has afforded me great and copious opportunity re this practice. I prescribe (do) and then I/we observe (reflection). Reflections afford greater understanding which in turn leads to different “do’s” next round. These new “do’s” are more evolved. And so on and so forth. This too applies to my personal life experience. Mindfulness IS my journey.
I am participating consciously in my life by speaking my truth, as often as I can. I am saying no to the things that do not align with my truth and finally saying yes to the things that do. The catalyst was in fact a connection made. The connection I made woke me up. I was in a slumber. Now I am awake. I’ve rubbed the crust out of my eyes and now it’s game on.